We are working to accelerate access to clean renewable energy for cooking and lighting for poor urban  and rural communities by enhancing clean cooking through promotion of  various technologies including Bio-gas, cook-stoves ,solar and bio-fuels through  promoting entrepreneurship development and support.

 Under this programme we have enabled over 7,000 households adopt Improved Cookstoves (ICS) 1500 adopt solar lamps, 120 households and 10 secondary schools adopt Biogas technology, promotion and production of Briquettes. We are promoting Miracle stove in partnership with Sun 24 from USA.

Implementing Women Integration into Renewable Energy (WIRE) Value Chains Project in Partnership with Energy for Impact (formerly GVEP)

Renewable Energy

Centre for Training and Research in Renewable energy Technologies

KSEI in close collaboration with Partners established the Centre for Training and research in Renewable Energy Technologies (CETRET) to facilitate research and transfer of renewable  technologiesin order enhance accessibility  forResilience and sustainable development.

The Centre was started to bridge the gap between renewable energy experts and practitioners

, and communities who need that knowledge to improve their livelihoods while conserving their Environment. The centre trains women and youth in climate smart technologies through a training for trainers (TOT) programme.

Renewable Energy in the community

Environment conservation

Climate change and environmental awareness

Painting A New World

Working with Painting a new World, Canada to create community level awareness on climate change through mural art.Working with youth groups, schools and community groups to promote environmental education

 5) Governance & Democracy .The purpose of this program is to create an empowered society that can demand for democratic practice at all levels and participate in governance issues.
 6) Food Security &Sustainable livelihoods .This programme seeks to improve food security and ensure sustainable livelihoods through integrated intervention focusing on Sustainable Agriculture

Gender & HIV/AIDS

Gender & HIV/AIDS

Programme under this project KSEI has in the last Ten years been involved in awareness creation, sensitization and behavior change advocacy focusing especially on women and youth empowerment as the most vulnerable group.


HIV and AIDS has major economic and social impact on individuals, families, communities and on society

as a whole. In Kenya, as in other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS threatens personal and nationalWell-being by negatively affecting health, lifespan, and productive capacity of the individual; and critically,by severely constraining the accumulation of human capital, and its transfer between generations.Research across many severely affected, low income countries clearly demonstrates that HIV and AIDSis the most serious impediment to economic growth and development in such countries.  Several studies have suggested that HIV and AIDS undermines development across all sectors of theeconomy and society, though further research is required to quantify the impact.  Major challengesinclude:

1)  The productivity of the agriculture sector, upon which the majority of Kenyans rely for their livelihood, is undermined by negative impacts on the supply of labour, crop production,agricultural extension services, loss of knowledge and skills and at a personal level the trauma associated with death.  Consequences include reduced household and community food securityand decline in the nutritional and health status of smallholders and their families.  Commercial agriculture, a major source of employment and foreign earnings, is detrimentally affected by increasing health costs as well as protracted morbidity and mortality of key workers. 

2)  Educational services suffer as teachers are lost to AIDS and children drop out of school as parents die and household incomes fall.  The health service loses trained staff and has to cope with the increasing burden of HIV-related infections.

3) The direct cost and social problems associated with caring for increasing numbers of orphans,coupled with existing high poverty levels place severe burdens on family and societal structures. In addition to these direct effects on production and social services, there is a growing realisation that HIVand AIDS may undermine the long-term revenue base of the economy, and so reduce Government’s capacity to provide the infrastructure and social services essential for long-term economic growth. Get Aber Final ReportCelebrating The International Day Of Biological Diversity

Water & Sanitation

This component focuses on the improvement of sanitation both at domestic and institutional level. The domestic water supply and quality to mitigate the effects of waterborne and other diseases in the community. This is done through sanitation education and conservation of natural water sources. As a results:

a)      The time freed up from water collection means women have more time for work and productivity within the community increases

b)      When children no longer have to collect water they can spend more time in education, improving their chances of a brighter future

c)      Hygiene education programmes and practices dramatically improve the health of a community, heavily reducing the amount of water related diseases and deaths

 Clean water lays the foundations to a brighter future and creates a happier world

For every $1 invested in water and sanitation, there is an economic return of between $3 – $34 (WHO)


1)      Implementing Women Integration into Renewable Energy (WIRE) Value Chains Project in Partnership with Energy for Impact (formerly GVEP

2)      Enhancing accessibility of climate information for value chain

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